Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.11

  1. What does our confession mean when it says that “the bishops or pastors of the churches” are “to be instant in preaching the word, by way of office”? 
  2. According to our confession, is the work of preaching to be strictly confined to those who hold the office of bishop or pastor? 
  3. Who may preach the word of God (publically; formally)? What are the standards or qualifications?
  4. Who must approve and call a man to preach the word?
  5. Why does our confession say, “may and ought to perform it”? Why the word “ought”?
  6. What are some potential reasons why a man might be called to preach the word but not hold the office of elder (at least not yet)?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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