Discussion Questions: Christ, The True Head Of The Church, Second London Confession 26.4

  1. Who is the head of the catholic church? If you asked 100 people from the community this question, what answers do you think you would receive?
  2. Jesus is called “Christ” in the first three paragraphs of Second London Confession 26. Why do you think he is called “the Lord Jesus Christ” here in paragraph 4?
  3. When we say that Jesus is the “head” of the church what does that mean? In what sense is he “head”?
  4. Who appointed Jesus Christ as head of the church? For what reason?
  5. Our confession says that “all [church] power… is invested [in Jesus] in a supreme and sovereign manner.” What does this mean? What is meant by supreme? What is meant by sovereign?
  6.  What does it mean that Jesus has all power for the, one, calling, two,  institution, three, order, and four, government of the church?
  7. How do these four principles relate to the next four paragraphs of 2LCF 26? Please read them to see. 
  8. Why is the principle that “the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church” so important to grasp? 
  9. Keeping what is said in the first half of 2LCF 26.4 in mind, why does our confession state that the Pope of Rome is “that antichrist” in the second half of the paragraph?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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