Discussion Questions: Luke 13:22-30

  1. In what sense was the man’s question for Jesus as stated in Luke 13:23 a question about God’s kingdom? Why do you think he asked the question?  
  2. Why would a yes or no answer from Jesus have been insufficient?
  3. Christ did not ignore or dismiss the man’s question, but he gave him more than he asked for. Discuss. 
  4. Why did Christ answer the man’s question with the command, “strive to enter through the narrow door”?
  5. Who or what does the narrow door symbolize? Who is the master of the house? What does the closing of the narrow door symbolize? 
  6. Why will those on the outside not be able to enter the kingdom? Is it because they sincerely tried to enter the narrow door but were hindered? Or is it because they never cared to enter the narrow door and waited until it was too late? Discuss. 
  7. In what sense is this passage about the transition from the Old Covenant to the New and the partial hardening that would come upon Israel under the New Covenant era (see Romans 11:26)?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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