Discussion Questions: Luke 13:1-9

  1. According to Christ, is all suffering the direct result of personal sin? In other words, are we to assume that those who suffer greatly are necessarily great sinners, or that every suffering we experience is the direct result of some particular sin that we have committed?
  2. Pilate would also shed Christ’s blood (his blood would be offered up as a sacrifice). The wrath of God would fall on him to crush him. How are we to interpret the sufferings of Christ? Did Christ suffer because of sin? (I can think of two ways to answer this question)  
  3. True faith in Christ and true repentence always go together. Discuss. 
  4. What is the relationship between faith and spiritual fruit (obedience, good works)? In other words, will those who have faith in Christ bear good fruit? Why?
  5. How did the lesson about the barren fig tree especially apply to the people in the crowds who were alive during Jesus’ earthly ministry? How might this lesson apply to us today?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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