Discussion Questions: Luke 12:49-59

  1. The people in Jesus’ day were good at interpreting signs about the weather. What did those who rejected Jesus fail to interpret? 
  2. Why did Jesus call the people hypocrites for their ability to interpret the weather and their inability to interpret the signs that pointed to him as the Messiah? What was hypocritical about this (especially for the religious leaders)?
  3. In particular, the people were good at predicting when rain and scorching heat would come, but they failed to see that Jesus the Messiah came to bring rain and scorching heat, spiritually speaking. Discuss.    
  4. What did Jesus mean when he exhorted the people to judge rightly and to settle with their accusers before being brought to the judge? Who are our accusers, spiritually speaking? Who is the judge? What does it mean to settle with our accuser, spiritually speaking?
  5. The unbelieving Jews in Jesus’ day were rebuked by Christ for not properly interpreting the times in which they lived. Does this mean that we seek to interpret the times in which we live as it relates to Christ’s second coming? What do we need to know about the times in which we live? What should our focus be in these last days? When did the last days begin? 

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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