Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 29

  1. In Baptist Catechism 24 and 25, we considered the person and natures of Christ. What about Christ are we considering in questions 26-31?
  2. What is an office?
  3. Name a few kings from the Old Testament. What work did a king do?
  4. Jesus Christ is the greatest king. How so? (see Luke 1:33, Matthew 28:18, Revelation 17:14)
  5. What work does Jesus Christ do for us as our king?
  6. Why do we need the kingly office of Jesus Christ? (see Second London Confession 8.10)
  7. What comfort does it bring to you to know that Jesus Christ is your king if you have faith in him?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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