Discussion Questions: Luke 11:45-54

  1. Who were the lawyers that Jesus addressed in Luke 11:45? In other words, what were they known for? What did they do?
  2. Jesus pronounced three “woes” upon these lawyers. The first is found in Luke 11:46. Please read this verse and discuss its meaning. Focus especially on Jesus’ condemnation of the lawyers for loading people with burdens hard to bear.  
  3. The second “woe” is found in Luke 11:47-51. Please read this passage and discuss its meaning one verse at a time. Especially discuss why the blood of all the prophets from Able to Zechariah would be required of that generation. 
  4. The third “woe” is found in Luke 11:52. Please read this verse and discuss its meaning. Especially answer the question, what is the key of knowledge and why must a person have it?
  5. What does the key of knowledge have to do with Luke 24:44-47 and Luke’s stated purpose for writing in Luke 1:1?
  6. Do you have the key of knowledge?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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