Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 23

  1. Why is it significant that the answer to Baptist Catichem 23 begins with the word, “God”?
  2. What “motivated” God to save sinners? When did God decide to save sinners?
  3. Through which covenant is salvation from the estate of sin and misery made available? When was this covenant formally enacted? 
  4. When were the blessings of this covenant made available? How were the blessings of this covenant made available before the making of this covenant?
  5. In the Covenant of Grace, sinners are delivered out of the estate of sin and misery. Review Baptist Catechism questions 20-22 and discuss all that Christ has saved us from. 
  6. In the Covenant of Grace, sinners are brought into an estate of salvation. The blessings of this state of salvation will be presented in questions 35-43. You may preview those questions and discuss the blessings that Christ brings his people.
  7. Who rescues us from the estate of sin and misery and brings us into this estate of salvation?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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