Discussion Questions: Luke 10:38-42

  1. What does the story about Mary and her sister Martha have to do with the first and second greatest commandments mentioned in Luke 10:27?
  2. Compare and contrast Mary (in Luke 10:39)  with the lawyer (in Luke 10:25). What is similar about them? What is different?
  3. All who love God truly must sit at the feet of Jesus to receive, believe, and obey his word. This is a bold statement. Why is it true now that the Christ has come? Related to this, we know that the lawyer did not keep the second greatest commandment. Did he keep the first? Why or why not?    
  4. Why does Jesus say that Mary chose the good portion? What is meant by this?
  5. Does Jesus criticize Martha for her service and hospitality? If there is anything wrong with her service and hospitality, what is it?
  6. How might Mary and Martha represent the responsibilities of the church and the two offices of the church, elder and deacon?
  7. How does this text apply to your life today? How should this text change the way that you think, speak, and act?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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