Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 7

  1. Review Baptist Catechism questions 1-6. What is the relationship between questions 1-6 and 7? 
  2. When we ask the question what is this thing or that? what are we talking about? What is a tree? What is a dog? What is a human? What is God? 
  3. “God is spirit.” Notice, we are not here talking about the third person of the Triune God – the Holy Spirit. We are saying that the Triune God is spirit. What does this mean? And what is the best and simplest Scripture text to cite in support of this?   
  4. How are we to interpret those passages of Scripture that speak of God using the language of human body parts or human emotion? What is the truth communicated by these passages? How can these passages be misinterpreted? (Take Psalm 18:35, Genesis 6:6, and 1 Samual 15:29 as examples. What is the key to interpreting these passages properly?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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