Discussion Questions: Luke 8:49-56

  • How does this story regarding the raising of Jairus’ daughter serve as a little picture of the overall mission of the Son of God incarnate?
  • How should the fact of Jesus’ ability to raise the dead lead his people to “fear not”? 
  • Just as Jesus delivered a message of hope and peace before raising Jairus’ daughter, so too we must deliver a message of hope and peace before Christ raises all. Discuss. 
  • On the last day, there will be a great and universal resurrection. What will those in their sins be raised unto? What will those in Christ be raised unto? Baptist Catechism Q’s 40-43 are helpful. 
  • How should this passage change the way that you think, speak, and act?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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