Discussion Questions: Luke 4:1-13

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • Why is it important to view the story of Jesus’ temptation, not primarily as an example for us to follow, but as a record of what Christ accomplished? Try to use the terms “law” and “gospel” to describe the two views. 
  • Who from the Old Testament should we compare and contrast Jesus with as we consider the story of his temptation? Hint: There are two answers. Discuss the similarities and differences between Jesus and these. What is the meaning of the comparison?
  • Discuss the three temptations one at a time. Did Satan know who Jesus was and what he came to do? What was the devil tempting Jesus to do? How did Jesus respond? 
  • What did Jesus accomplish in the wilderness?
  • Does Jesus also provide us with an example for how to resist temptation?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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