Discussion Questions: Luke 3:1-22

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • What was the good news that John the Baptist preached? 
  • Why did Luke quote Isaiah 40:3-5? Why is that text important? What connection does Luke want us to make?
  • Luke did not only preach the gospel, he preached the law. Where do you see that in this text? Why is this important? How does God use the law and gospel to bring about true faith in his elect? 
  • What is baptism? Who would John baptize? Who would he not baptize? What is the relationship between the baptism that John applied before the resurrection of Christ, and the baptism that Christ’s Apostles applied after Christ rose from the grave?
  • How might this passage be applied by us today?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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