Discussion Questions: Luke 1:39-56

  • It was noted that Mary’s saying, as found in Luke 1:46-55, is very similar to Hannah’s saying as found in 1 Samuel 2. Why is it important to notice the similarities? How does this observation affect our interpretation of Luke?
  • How should we view Mary? Ought we to pray to her, venerate her, or regard her as a kind of mediator? Why or why not?
  • Mary refers to God as “God my Savior” in verse 47. What does this have to do with the things that were happening to her? How did she describe the salvation of the Lord? In what terms? Did she know how exactly the Messiah would accomplish our salvation at this point in her life? What did she know?
  • What does it mean, ultimately, that God had (and would) bring down the mighty from their thrones? (verse 52)
  • What does it mean, ultimately,  that God would exult those of humble estate, etc (verses 52-55)

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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