Week Of April 2nd, 2023

SUNDAY > Lev 5, Ps 3–4, Prov 20, Col 3
MONDAY > Lev 6, Ps 5–6, Prov 21, Col 4
TUESDAY > Lev 7, Ps 7–8, Prov 22, 1 Thess 1
WEDNESDAY > Lev 8, Ps 9, Prov 23, 1 Thess 2
THURSDAY > Lev 9, Ps 10, Prov 24, 1 Thess 3
FRIDAY > Lev 10, Ps 11–12, Prov 25, 1 Thess 4
SATURDAY > Lev 11–12, Ps 13–14, Prov 26, 1 Thess 5

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night” (Psalm 92:1–2, ESV).

Baptist Catechism #66-67:
Q. What is forbidden in the fourth commandment?
A. The fourth commandment forbids the omission or careless performance of the duties required, and the profaning the day by idleness, or doing that which is in itself sinful, or by unnecessary thoughts, words, or works, about worldly employments or recreations.
Q. What are the reasons annexed to the fourth commandment?
A. The reasons annexed to the fourth commandment are, God’s allowing us six days of the week for our own employments, His challenging a special propriety in the seventh, His own example and His blessing the Sabbath day.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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