Discussion Questions: Do Not Be Anxious,
Matthew 6:25-34

  1. Why is it important to have a category for anxiety that is natural and not sinful?
  2. When does anxiety become sinful? When is it sinful from the start?
  3. Why must entering into faithful prayer be the first thing we do? What is meant by “faithful” (dual meaning)? How is the Lord’s Prayer particularly helpful? Are we to start with prayer and then leave prayer behind, or take it with us? Discuss.
  4. How does remembering God’s goodness, his covenant promises, and his power to accomplish all of his purposes, help us to be at peace? 
  5. Should the non-believer be at peace? 
  6. What are examples of practical steps that can be taken to alleviate anxiety? Should we take these steps in our own strength? Why is it important to say, “if possible”. What are we to do in those situations where there is nothing practical to be done?
  7. What is meant by, “think about your thinking?”
  8. Why does anxiety thrive on idolatry? What are we to do with the idols if we find any?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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