Discussion Questions For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 44

  • After the introductory section (questions 1-6), what two things does our catechism mainly teach us about? Hint: see question 6.
  • Where does the second major section of our catechism begin? Go there and read the Q&A. Where does the third major section begin? Go there and read the Q&A.
  • Why is it most appropriate to ask the question, “What is the duty which God requireth of man?” at this point in the catechism? Hint: think of everything that has been taught to us in questions 7-43. 
  • What will we be learning about in questions 45-89? How will this prepare us to hear the good news about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ in questions 90-92?
  • I taught that the gospel is presented twice in the catechism but in two different ways. Can you explain this? Can you identify the two places where faith in Jesus Christ is said to be the way to salvation?
  • How should understanding the structure of the catechism help us to better appreciate the great truths that are taught in this document?

Click here to view the catechism lesson outline.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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