Discussion Questions And Lesson Outline For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 42


Sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons

  • Who is our catechism talking about when it speaks of “the wicked”? Though it is true that those who have faith in Christ were born in sin and still struggle with sin, why must they not be called “the wicked”? What are believers called instead? Why is this so?
  • What is meant by “at death”? What moment does this refer to?
  • What is hell?
  • To review: where will the souls of believers go at death? Where will their bodies go? And now I ask, where will the souls of the wicked go at death? Where will their bodies go? Is this the final state for believers? Do you think it is the final state for the wicked? Question 43 will answer this question. But is there anything in answer 42 that gives us a hint? 
  • Question 42 seems like bad news (and it is for the wicked). How is it good news for the believer? Stated differently, how does question 42 help us to better understand and appreciate the good news of Jesus Christ?
  • What should this teaching motivate us to do?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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