Discussion Questions: Exodus 20:13


Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org

  • Who has access to God’s moral law? Where is it found?
  • Why does our catechism say that the moral law is “summarily comprehended” in the Ten Commandments? In other words, why do we not say that the moral law = the Ten Commandments? Why is it important for us to refer to the Ten Commandments as a summary of God’s moral law?
  • How can we go about teasing out the implications of the brief and general moral principles stated in the Ten Commandments? Can those who do not have access to the scriptures do this? Why do we say that those who have the scriptures (and faith) are in a better position to speak to issues of morality?
  • What does the sixth commandment forbid? You may use our catechism, but be specific with application beyond the sin of murder itself. 
  • What does the sixth commandment require? Again, be specific with the application. 
  • If you have time, search online for the Westminster Larger Catechism, read questions 134-136, and discuss. (Note: “physic” in answer 135 means medicine)


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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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