Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies

We are a fully functioning residential confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary – the first of its kind in history, rooted and grounded in the doctrine and practice of the Word of God as reflected in the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. This is the confession of our faith and a summary and just exhibition of the system of doctrine and religious belief which we believe is contained in the Holy Scripture, and therein revealed by God to man for his salvation.

We have a strong relationship with the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America and believe that an association of churches is the best method for cooperation in many areas, including ministerial training (this is at the heart of ARBCA’s convictions, directly expressed as a founding purpose). This seminary reflects the doctrine and practice of this association as a whole, and we believe this will allow for the proper balance of unity and diversity among our churches.

Serving not only Reformed Baptist churches internationally (We have already taught courses in Quebec, England, Ukraine, Zambia, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Far East), but also the broader Calvinistic Baptist movement, and local Baptist or Baptistic churches, our goal is to bring students from around the globe to study at our school and return to their churches prepared to further the cause of Christ there.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church