Week of November 27th, 2016

SUNDAY > 1 Chr 22, 1 Pet 3, Mic 1, Ps 102
MONDAY > 1 Chr 23, 1 Pet 4, Mic 2, Ps 103
TUESDAY > 1 Chr 24‐25, 1 Pet 5, Mic 3, Ps 104
WEDNESDAY > 1 Chr 26‐27, 2 Pet 1, Mic 4, Ps 105
THURSDAY > 1 Chr 28, 2 Pet 2, Mic 5, Ps 106
FRIDAY > 1 Chr 29, 2 Pet 3, Mic 6, Ps 107
SATURDAY > 2 Chr 1, 1 Jn 1, Mic 7, Ps 108‐109

“And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever” (Revelation 22:5, ESV).

Baptist Catechism #41:
Q. What benefits do believers receive from Christ at the Resurrection?
A. At the resurrection believers, being raised up in glory, shall be openly acknowledged and acquitted in the Day of Judgment, and made perfectly blessed, both in soul and body, in full enjoyment of God to all eternity.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church