Week of May 15th, 2016

SUNDAY > Num 23, Ps 64‐65, Isa 13, 1 Pet 1
MONDAY > Num 24, Ps 66‐67, Isa 14, 1 Pet 2
TUESDAY > Num 25, Ps 68, Isa 15, 1 Pet 3
WEDNESDAY > Num 26, Ps 69, Isa 16, 1 Pet 4
THURSDAY > Num 27, Ps 70‐71, Isa 17‐18, 1 Pet 5
FRIDAY > Num 28, Ps 72, Isa 19‐20, 2 Pet 1
SATURDAY > Num 29, Ps 73, Isa 21, 2 Pet 2

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6, ESV).

Baptist Catechism #24:
Q. Who is the Redeemer of God’s elect?
A. The only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and so was and continues to be God and man, in two distinct natures and one person, forever.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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