Week of January 4th, 2014

SUNDAY > Gen 1, Matt 1, Ezra 1, Acts 1
MONDAY > Gen 2, Matt 2, Ezra 2, Acts 2
TUESDAY > Gen 3, Matt 3, Ezra 3, Acts 3
WEDNESDAY > Gen 4, Matt 4, Ezra 4, Acts 4
THURSDAY > Gen 5, Matt 5, Ezra 5, Acts 5
FRIDAY > Gen 6, Matt 6, Ezra 6, Acts 6
SATURDAY > Gen 7, Matt 7, Ezra 7, Acts 7

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Exodus 20:2, ESV).
“You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” (Amos 3:2, ESV).

Baptist Catechism #49-50:
Q. What is the preface to the Ten Commandments?
A. The preface to the Ten Commandments is, “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.”
Q. What does the preface to the Ten Commandments teach us?
A. The preface to the Ten Commandments teaches us, that because God is the Lord, and our God and Redeemer, therefore we are bound to keep all His commandments.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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