GCG Questions for Sermon on 06/08/14

Text: James 1:20-27

Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons

1. How could you respond to someone who says to you, “I want to go to church, but it is just filled with a bunch of hypocrites”?

2. Are you being diligent in your personal bible study? What are you currently studying/learning? Share with your group.

3. According to the sermon, what are the three primary uses of God’s law? What is God’s law not to be used for? Share.

4. How can one practically meditate on God’s law day and night? Share thoughts and ideas.

5. How could/should you respond to a fellow believer who says, “Christianity is a relationship not a religion”? Support with scripture. Share.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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