Resources For Family Devotions

As you all know, each week I post the catechism question and answer, memory verse, thoughts, and discussion questions. I thought it would be beneficial to share with you some of the resources I have been using as they may be beneficial for you and your family.

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade is written in a form intended to be used for family devotions. It focuses on one catechism each week, Monday through Saturday.  For each day of the week the author provides short commentary about the catechism question and answer along with scripture readings. The book can be found here: Training Hearts, Teaching Minds

Another resource that has been useful in my study of the catechism is The Westminster Shorter Catechism: for Study Classes by G.I Williamson. This text differs than that of Training Hearts, Teaching Minds in that this book is set up for more a study rather than a quick daily devotion. While it provides more teaching on the catechism it is not too weighty. His writing is very concise and provides about three to four pages of writing for two to three catechism questions. This book would be great for adults to increase their understanding of the catechism and various doctrines. It would also be a great tool for parents and older children to work through together as each section provides discussion questions. Westminster Shorter Catechism: For Study Classes

A couple important things to note: these two resources contain an abundance of correct biblical theology but since they are written by man they are subject to error. While, I recommended these two resources we must always read these types of texts with discernment to ensure that they are in-line with the truths of scripture.

It is also important to note that the leadership of Emmaus Christian Fellowship holds to the view of believer’s baptism as opposed to infant baptism as found in the Westminster Shorter Catechism and in these two texts.

May the Lord bless your time in family worship as you seek to train up your children in the Lord!

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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