OIA for sermon on 04/01/12

This week Joe (Abraham) gave his second part of a two part narrative of Genesis 16-22. The following is a list of OIA questions based on this narrative.

(See sermon page emmauscf.org/sermons/ for a complete list of scriptures used)


1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these passage of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Which scripture passage did you find most intriguing or interesting? Why?
4. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in this passage of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
5. If you had to sum up all five of theses passages of scripture in one sentence, what would it be?


1. Compare at least 3 of the used passages with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
2. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out? What? Why? Share.
3. Read through at least 2-3 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. (http://net.bible.org) (http://www.blueletterbible.org/) (http://biblia.com)


1. How did hearing this portion of scripture in the first person give you new insight? What? Share.
2. What are 3 characteristics that you observe about Abraham in this portion of scripture? How/why are they important?
3. What other characters (from Gen 11-22) did you find interesting or intriguing? Who? Why?
4. Spend time discussing in your group the overall theme of Gen chapters 11-22.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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