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Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Published on February 21, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What does it mean to set your hope on something? Why are the things of this world — family, wealth, government — inadequate sources of hope? Why is God worthy of our hope? Should the rich be ashamed of their wealth? …Read More

Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 6:13-16

Published on February 14, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What did Paul mean when he wrote, “keep the commandment”?  Why did Paul emphasize what he did about God and Christ? God gives life. Christ made the good confession before Pilate. How would that have encouraged Timothy, and others facing persecution? …Read More

Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 6:11-12

Published on February 6, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Who is the “man of God” of verse 11? Are all Christians men and women of God, or only ministers?  Read 2 Timothy 3:16-4:5 and interpret “man of God” to mean “ministers of the gospel”. How does making a distinction between …Read More

Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 6:2c-10

Published on January 31, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Discuss how what you believe to be true about God, man, and salvation in Christ will affect the way you view the world and live. Try to be specific. What are the two things that Paul mentions that motivate false teachers …Read More

Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Published on January 17, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What does Paul mean when he says that elders are to receive “double honor”. What are some different interpretations of this? Are all elders to be supported “full time”? Why are elders not above rebuke? How would the public rebuke of …Read More

Published on January 10, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What did Paul mean by, “let a widow be enrolled”? Enrolled into what? Why are qualifications given? And why these qualifications (age, faithfulness in marriage, proven charter regarding good works)? Why does Paul command that families care for their widows before …Read More

Discussion Questions For Sermon On Ephesians 6:5-9

Published on August 16, 2020 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What are some reasons why Paul did not condemn slavery outright nor encourage bondservants to revolt? How might the form of slavery that was practiced in this country not long ago affect our understansding of the slavery that existed in the …Read More

Discussion Questions For Sermon On Ephesians 6:4

Published on August 9, 2020 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Why did Paul address Fathers specifically? Did he not think that mothers have a role to play in the raising of children?  Is a child’s anger always the parents fault? Should parents avoid angering their child always and at all costs …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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