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VeggieTales and Moralism

Published on August 6, 2012 By Phil

The other day Carson and I were watching VeggieTales, you know… Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and all the other vegetable characters that “teach” lessons from the Bible. As I sat there watching, I began thinking to myself whether or not this animated show was really teaching biblical truths and concepts. Even though the …Read More

This Weeks Youth Focus – 3/1

Published on February 28, 2012 By Phil

About every 6 weeks we take a Thursday night and discuss various doctrines found in the catechism that we are using within our homes and with our children here at Emmaus (See our “Resource” page for more information about catechism). This week we will examine questions 16-21. I’m really excited about discussing these doctrinal truths …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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