Tag Archive

Covenant Theology – The New Covenant

Published on September 22, 2016 By Mike

Episode 24 In this episode, Joe Anady and Mike Thezier discuss Covenant Theology. An overview of Covenant Theology is given and the episode also acts as the final lesson of an Emmaus Essentials class on “Covenant Theology” which is available here: https://emmausrbc.org/essentials/covenant-theology/

The Liturgy of Emmaus Explained

Published on June 30, 2016 By Mike

Episode 23 Joe Anady and Mike Thezier provide an overview of the liturgy (order of worship) of Emmaus Christian Fellowship and seek to explain the biblical and theological rationale behind it. Listen in to find out why we do what we do in our corporate worship on the Lord’s Day.

Membership Required?

Published on June 2, 2016 By Mike

Episode 22 Joe Anady and Mike Thezier discuss the membership process at Emmaus Christian Fellowship and why membership in a local church is so important and biblical.

Update on the ARBCA General Assembly

Published on May 5, 2016 By Mike

Episode 21 Joe Anady provides an overview of his time in Rockford, Illinois where he attended the General Assembly of the Association of Reformed Baptist Church of America (ARBCA). Joe discusses what went on at the General Assembly, his impressions, and what’s next.

The Family in Church

Published on April 14, 2016 By Mike

Episode 20 A few years ago, Emmaus Christian Fellowship decided to do away with Children’s Church (Children’s Ministry) and to bring the little ones into the worship service with the rest of the congregation. Sometimes the assumption is that we made this move because we lacked the resources to sustain a full blown Children’s Ministry. …Read More

Understanding Mormonism

Published on April 7, 2016 By Mike

Episode 19 Anyone who has taken the time to compare Momen beliefs with Christian beliefs will notice that a great difference exists between the two faiths. In this episode Joe Anady interviews John Divito in an attempt to understand the reason for the differences in doctrine. John was raised in the Mormon church before his …Read More

Update Episode – SCARBC, John Divito, the Lord’s Supper, Emmaus Essentials, and Sunday School

Published on March 31, 2016 By Mike

Episode 18 Joe Anady and Mike Thezier discuss what’s new at Emmaus Christian Fellowship. Updates include news on Emmaus’ SCARBC application, John Divito’s work with the African Pastors Conference, the weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper, Emmaus Essentials and Sunday School for various ages groups.

The Lord’s Supper – Fencing the Table

Published on March 24, 2016 By Mike

Episode 17 Joe Anady and Mike Thezier discuss how Emmaus goes about Fencing the Table and why – how we invite people to the Table in a way that makes the biblical meaning and significance of the Supper clear. What kind of meal is it? What does it symbolize? Who is invited? What dangers are …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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