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The Word as a Means of Grace

Published on October 10, 2012 By Joe

I came across this quote from Charles Hodge in my sermon preparation last week. The quote is embedded within a larger section where he is discussing the means of grace. I wanted to share it with you as a way of encouraging you to read the scriptures daily and to listen to sound Bible teaching regularly. …Read More

One Reason we Catechize our Children

Published on October 10, 2012 By Joe

“[An]… important fact… well established is, that true religion prevails in any community, in proportion to the degree in which the young are instructed in the facts and indoctrinated in the truths of the Bible… The question does not concern the reason why the religious education of the young is so important; or the way …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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