Emmaus Round Table: Why Catechism?

I encourage you all to listen to the first episode of the Emmaus Round Table answering the questions why do we use a catechism to teach our children the truths of scripture and why did we move from using a hybrid catechism to the full Baptist Catechism? 

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can also find a side by side comparison of the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Baptist Catechism here and then selecting one of the week of June 8th or later.

 God Bless!


Posted in Good Thoughts from Others, Youth, Phil Anady, Posted by Phil. No Comments

Why do we do what we do with children and youth ministry?

Hello Emmaus,

I don’t do this very often, but I would highly recommend (almost beg) that you take the time to listen to a recent episode on the White Horse Inn Podcast, entitled Youth Ministry in Crisis. There are also two other more recent episodes that would be worth listening to (The State of Youth Ministry and Keeping our Kids), but I would ask that you at least take the time to listen to the first one I mentioned.

Why do I want you to listen to this? So that you can better understand why it is that we are doing what we are doing with our children, youth, and parents! We are odd in our approach to children’s and youth ministry, there’s no doubt about that. Understanding why we are taking this approach will go along way in strengthening our commitment to having our children in the worship service, catechizing our children, and engaging our children in deep and meaningful conversations about the scriptures and spiritual things.

I look forward to hearing feedback from you!



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No Youth This Week – 5/16

Youth is canceled this week.

Posted in Youth, Phil Anady, Posted by Phil. No Comments

This Week’s Youth Focus – 3/21

This Thursday we will be entering into a new chapter of Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology.  Chapter 19 (pages 397-408) of his book explains the doctrine of angels. Over the next two weeks we will be answering the questions “what are angels?” and “Why did God create them?”

In addition to our systematic study we will be discussing the Gospel Community Group questions from Sunday’s sermon.

Gospel Community Group Questions

1. What particular area of your life is God
working on the most? (e.g. Fear, control, pride, etc)Share with your group.
2. Do you struggle with trusting God to work everything for good in your life? What particular things do you struggle trusting God with?
3. Do you have an example of God working a difficult circumstance/situation in your life for good? Share.
4. How are you doing in your role as a husband/wife? If you are not married, how are you doing in your singleness?
5. How can your group pray for you this week? Share.

I’m looking forward to a great discussion!

This Week’s Youth Focus – 3/14

Last week we did not get very far in our study as we spent a good amount time discussing the Gospel Community Group Questions. This week we will continue our discussion on prayer. We will continue to follow the study focus laid out by Wayne Grudem in his Systematic Theology book pages 382-392. We will be examining the criteria for an effective prayer life, praying according to God’s will, praying with faith, obedience, confession of sin, humility, earnest prayers, waiting on the Lord, praying in private, praying with others, fasting, praise, and thanksgiving.

See you there!

This Week’s Youth Focus – 3/7

This week at youth we will continue our discussion on prayer. We will continue to follow the study focus laid out by Wayne Grudem in his Systematic Theology book pages 382-392. We will be examining the criteria for an effective prayer life: praying according to God’s will, praying with faith, obedience, confession of sin, humility, earnest prayers, waiting on the Lord, praying in private, praying with others, fasting, praise, and thanksgiving.

Lord willing we will also discuss a few of the Gospel Community Group questions related to Sunday’s sermon.

1. Have you ever been embarrassed to stand for the belief in the return of Christ? Why do you think? Share.
2. Why do you think mainstream Christianity has become so fascinated and overly focused on end times?
3. What key things does scripture clearly teach about the return of Christ? Support with scripture.
4. How could you minister to a new believer or non believer that is fearful of end times and the return of Christ?
5. If Christ were to return today, would you be ready for Him? Why or why not? Share with your group.

See you Thursday @ 7!

This Week’s Youth Focus – 2/28

This week at youth, we will be discussing the doctrine and application of prayer in the life of a believer. The format of our discussion will come from chapter 18 of Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology book (pages 376-381).  Our discussion will focus on why God wants us to pray and the effectiveness of our prayers.

In addition to doing a systematic study on prayer, we will spend some time discussing a couple of the Gospel Community Group questions related to last Sunday’s sermon.

2 Peter 2:17-22

1. How would you respond to a Christian friend who believed that one’s salvation could be lost and asked you the question “Because of the sin in my life, I think I may have lost my salvation. How can I know for sure?”

2. What is the proper biblical view on eternal security? What scriptures support this view? Share.

3. What advice would you give a Christian brother or sister who continually fell into a pattern of habitual sin, yet did not know how to stop?

4. How is your current battle with sin? Remember, we are all sinners saved by grace! Use this time to confess and encourage.

5. You are saved by the grace of God. Read Romans 8:35-39 as a group. What thoughts come to mind after hearing this passage? Share.

See you Thursday @ 7!

No Youth This Week – 2/21

Have a great break from school!

Posted in Youth, Phil Anady, Posted by Phil. No Comments

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church