SUNDAY > Deut 1, Ps 81‐82, Isa 29, 3 Jn 1
MONDAY > Deut 2, Ps 83‐84, Isa 30, Jude 1
TUESDAY > Deut 3, Ps 85, Isa 31, Rev 1
WEDNESDAY > Deut 4, Ps 86‐87, Isa 32, Rev 2
THURSDAY > Deut 5, Ps 88, Isa 33, Rev 3
FRIDAY > Deut 6, Ps 89, Isa 34, Rev 4
SATURDAY > Deut 7, Ps 90, Isa 35, Rev 5
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 17:9-10 ESV).
Baptist Catechism #20-21:
Q. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.
Q. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereunto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereunto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin, together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.
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