Emmaus is a Reformed Baptist church in Hemet, California. We are a community of Christ followers who love God, love one another, and serve the church, community, and nations, for the glory of God and for our joy.
Our hope is that you will make Emmaus your home and that you will begin to grow with us as we study the scriptures and, through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, live in a way that honors our great King.
LORD'S DAY WORSHIP (SUNDAYS) 10:00am Corporate Worship
In the Emmaus Chapel at Cornerstone
26089 Girard St.
Hemet, CA 92544
EMMAUS ESSENTIALS Sunday School For Adults 9:00am to 9:45am most Sundays (Schedule)
In the Chapel
MAILING ADDRESS 43430 E. Florida Ave. #F329 Hemet, CA 92544
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The Realm is our church's online network. We use this tool as our primary means of communication. Be sure to check it often and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Interested in becoming a member? Please join us for a four-week study in which we will make a case from the scriptures for local church membership and introduce the ministries, government, doctrines, and distinctive's of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church.
Gospel Community Groups are small group Bible studies. They are designed to provide an opportunity for the members of Emmaus to build deeper relationships with one another. Groups meet throughout the week to discuss the sermons from the previous Sunday, to share life, and to pray.
Emmaus Essentials classes are currently offered online Sundays at 9AM. It is through our Emmaus Essentials (Sunday School) that we hope to experience an in depth study of the scriptures and Christian theology. These classes focus on the study of systematic theology, biblical theology, church history, and other topics practical to Christian living.
An audio teaching series through the Baptist Catechism aimed to instruct in foundational Christian doctrine and to encourage obedience within God’s people.
A podcast produced for International Reformed Baptist Seminary: a forum for discussion of important scriptural and theological subjects by faculty, administrators, and friends of IRBS.
At Emmaus we believe that God has given parents, especially fathers the authority and responsibility to train and instruct children up in the Lord. In addition, we believe that God has ordained the gathering of all generations, young to old, to worship Him together in one place and at one time. Therefore, each and every Sunday our children worship the Lord alongside their parents and other members of God’s family.
We will be singing a new song this Sunday called “Lift High the Name of Jesus” by Keith and Kristyn Getty. It is a simple and joyful song calling to remembrance the mercy and grace of God with a petition to our souls to sing and tell of all He’s done. Please take a look at the lyrics and listen to the song below:
Lift high the name of Jesus Of Jesus our King Make known the power of His grace The beauty of His peace Remember how His mercy reached And we cried out to Him He lifted us to solid ground To freedom from our sin
Oh sing my soul And tell all He’s done Till the earth and heavens are filled with His glory
Lift high the name of Jesus Of Jesus our Lord His power in us is greater than Is greater than this world To share the reason for our hope To serve with love and grace That all who see Him shine through us Might bring the Father praise
Lift high the name of Jesus Of Jesus our Light No other name on earth can save Can raise us a soul to life He opens up our eyes to see The harvest He has grown We labor in His fields of grace As He leads sinners home
As Good Friday approaches, this song caught my attention as a great one to sing together as we focus on the Christ’s work on the cross. We will be singing it together this Sunday (April 13th) and also at our Good Friday service.
Please take a look at the lyrics and embedded video below to get to know the song and an idea of the melody:
The Power of the Cross by Keith & Kristyn Getty
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day
Christ on the road to Calvary
Tried by sinful men torn and beaten then
Nailed to a cross of wood
This the pow’r of the cross
Christ became sin for us
Took the blame bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross
Oh to see the pain written on Your face
Bearing the awesome weight of sin
Ev’ry bitter thought ev’ry evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow
Now the daylight flees now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head
Curtain torn in two dead are raised to life
Finished the vict’ry cry
Oh to see my name written in the wounds
For through Your suff’ring I am free
Death is crushed to death life is mine to live
Won through Your selfless love
This the pow’r of the cross
Son of God slain for us
What a love what a cost
We stand forgiven at the cross
This coming Sunday (March 23rd) we will be singing a new song called “Not in Me.” Before we sing it together on Sunday, I wanted to share the song with you so that you could get a jump start on learning it and know why I have chosen to add it to the list of songs we sing at Emmaus.
If you’ve been keeping up with Emmaus Essentials, you’ll notice how closely this song coincides with Chapter 11 of the LBC (Lesson 19 from the week of March 9th). This song is all about the fact that there is nothing that we can possibly do to earn forgiveness – our justification – but that only in Christ is our righteousness found. It is a beautiful declaration of the Gospel. Read the lyrics below and listen to the song:
No list of sins I have not done,
No list of virtues I pursue,
No list of those I am not like,
Can earn myself a place with You.
O God! Be merciful to me—
I am a sinner through and through!
My only hope of righteousness
Is not in me, but only You.
No humble dress, no fervent prayer,
No lifted hands, no tearful song,
No recitation of the truth
Can justify a single wrong.
My righteousness is Jesus’ life,
My debt was paid by Jesus’ death,
My weary load was borne by Him
And he alone can give me rest.
No separation from the world,
No work I do, no gift I give,
Can cleanse my conscience, cleanse my hands;
I cannot cause my soul to live.
But Jesus died and rose again—
The pow’r of death is overthrown!
My God is merciful to me
And merciful in Christ alone.