Recommended Podcasts – Mortification of Spin

cover170x170Mortification of Spin is a casual conversation about things that count. Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt and Aimee Byrd serve up a humorous, informal podcast with bite. Join this engaging and thought-provoking conversation on the challenges the Church faces and what counts in the Christian life. Served up with a healthy dose of germane cultural references. Hear for yourself if British accents carry more weight…

Nerd Factor: Low

Access: OnlineiTunes

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Recommended Podcast – White Horse Inn

About: “Who are we? White Horse Inn ( is a multimedia catalyst for reformation. We believe that each generation must rediscover and apply the gospel to their own time. We long to see a second reformation take hold of our churches and return them to the God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-wrought places of worship they should be. Over the past twenty years, we’ve grown more hopeful that such a reformation is possible. So, we’re putting our time and resources to work toward one. Our mission is to help Christians “know what they believe and why they believe it” through conversational theology. The conversations take place in talk show, magazine, event, book, blog and social media formats. Our vision is to see a modern reformation in our churches through a rediscovery of God, the gospel, and the classic Christian confessions proclaimed during the sixteenth-century Reformation. More than just a talk show and a magazine, White Horse Inn is a conversation for reformation. C. S. Lewis famously remarked that “mere Christianity” is like a hallway. In this hallway, real conversations between Christians of different convictions can begin and develop over time as we emerge from these various rooms to speak of Christ and his gospel to one another. For twenty years, White Horse Inn has hosted this conversation both on the radio (White Horse Inn) and in print (Modern Reformation) in the spirit of that great hallway of “mere Christianity,” bringing the rich resources of the Reformation to bear on American evangelicalism.

Our Six Core Beliefs:
1. The five “solas” of the Reformation are more than slogans to be recovered; they are the messages that will renew the church’s mission in our age.
2. Gospel-centered preaching that rightly distinguishes between law and gospel rescues the church from “Christless Christianity” while enabling Christians to grow in grace.
3. Word and Sacrament ministry realigns the church’s mission and identity from program-driven pragmatism to the means of grace that Christ has ordained for the creation, sustenance, and expansion of his kingdom.
4. A properly missional mindset will identify the church as distinct from but engaged with the world, encouraging individual Christians to pursue their God-honoring vocations.
5. In order to know what they believe and why they believe it, Christians need to be well catechized and grounded in the central doctrines of the faith.
6. Withstanding the onslaught of heresy and persecution requires a confessing church grounded in the witness of the ages and animated by deeds of loving service and witness.” READ MORE

Nerd Factor: Medium

Emmaus Staff Comments: This is one of the few podcasts that I (Joe) listen to regularly!

Access: Online, iTunes

Posted in Recommended Podcasts, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Recommended Podcast – Reformed Forum

About: “Reformed Forum is an organization committed to providing Reformed theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings.

Reformed Forum began in January 2008 as a means of providing free access to informed theological conversation. We do this by offering a variety of new media. Our cornerstone resource is our audio program, Christ the Center, which features weekly discussions on a host of biblical and theological subjects.

We are committing to the principles of the Reformation and a redemptive-historical approach to Scripture. We believe these faithfully represent the teachings of the Bible, which is our only standard for faith and practice.

While we offer theological resources, theology must be more than an intellectual exercise. God’s Word and its good and necessary consequences have everything to do with our day to day lives. Proper theology is intensely practical. And given the theological climate of our age, we believe Reformed theology is perhaps even more significant today than it was in the 16th century when the Reformation began. To that end, we seek to assist the church in presenting everyone mature in Christ (Col. 1:28).”

Nerd Factor: Medium to High

Emmaus Staff Comments: This is one of the few podcasts that I (Joe) listen to every week!

Access: Online, iTunes

Posted in Recommended Podcasts, Posted by Joe. No Comments

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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