Children’s Ministry Change

Hello Church,

I’m writing you to inform you about a change that will be taking place with our Children’s Ministry schedule. One Sunday out of the month there will be no Sunday school classes for the kindergarten through 5th grade children. There are a couple of reasons why believe this is a healthy decision.

First, we believe that one of the responsibilities of parenthood is to teach our children how to worship the Lord. We believe that having our children experience a whole worship service will begin to teach them what it means to worship God through music, listening, and reading God’s Word.

Second, many churches today exclude children and teenagers from the main worship service and then they wonder why the transition into worshiping with the adults once they graduate high school is so difficult. The fact that many college age adults are absent from the church service is something that needs to be addressed and corrected.  I strongly believe that if we effectively teach our children how to worship with adults at a young age we are preparing them to be active participants in the family of God for a lifetime.

This is something new for many if not all of us. I encourage all of you to be patient and understanding with our families and children as they are faced with the challenge of learning how to “parent from the pew.”

Church, please be praying for our families, asking God to give wisdom to our parents, as this can be a difficult task. Parents, I encourage you to begin teaching your children and explaining to them what you expect of them during the service before you arrive at church. I think it is important for me to say that it is perfectly ok if there is some noise and talking. Use this time to help instruct and engage your child in how to worship the Lord.

Some things to think about:

  1. K-5th grade students will remain in the whole worship service on the first Sunday of the month (Starting May 6th). This is our communion Sunday therefore, I would encourage each family to determine whether or not the children will take communion before they arrive at church. Our view is that it is a good thing for our children to take communion even if they are too young to have professed Christ. We should raise our children as if they are believers until it becomes evident that they are not.
  2. There will still be childcare for children ages 0-4 each Sunday.
  3. I would strongly encourage that children sit with their parents instead of with their friends during this service. This will help keep distractions to a minimum, as parents will be able to help teach their children worship and keep them engaged.

I’m looking forward to beginning this process and seeing the fruit the Lord produces.  It is my goal to continue to provide various resources and ideas on how to help our parents teach and develop a love in our children to worship the Lord in the whole community of faith.

God Bless,


Posted in News, Phil Anady, Posted by Phil. No Comments

Emmaus Essentials – Biblical Counseling – Sign-up Today!

Now is the time to sign-up for the Biblical Counseling class which starts on Sunday, April 1st or Tuesday, April 3rd. You will need to order the book and read the first two chapters before the first class and so we are recommending that you GET ON IT!

Please go to to sign up, order the book, and download the course overview.

In His Service,


Posted in News, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Baptism Testimony – March 4, 2012

Today, Emmaus Christian Fellowship will be holding it’s first baptism and for that we are grateful. It’s no small thing to baptize a follower of Jesus Christ!

For the one being baptized, the moment is of great significance. There is a lot that is communicated through baptism. First of all, the one being baptized is saying to the Lord, and to all who observe, “I am trusting in Christ for my salvation, my sins have been washed, I have been given new life, the old way of life is gone, and I am now set apart as unto the Lord for His service!” But we must remember that God is also speaking through Baptism. He is saying to all who observe, “trust in Jesus, be washed, be made new, My Son passed through the waters of My wrath so that you could pass through unharmed.” Baptism proclaims the Gospel through symbolism and it is for this reason that we consistently baptize those who believe.

For the one baptizing (in this case, Jon Severns and myself as representatives of Emmaus) this is also a significant event. It reminds us that our primary mission is to make disciples. We love it when someone comes to Christ and is baptized, but it is only the start. We celebrate the new life in Christ and the power of the gospel but we are also reminded that we, as the church, are to play a large role in the sanctification process of the one being baptized.

My prayer for us, Emmaus, is that every time we perform a baptism we would rejoice in new life, be reminded of the gospel, and also see the one baptized as a new part of the Christian family – one to be cared for, encouraged, and exhorted within the context of Christian Community where a love for God and a love for one another reigns supreme.

One of the steps in the baptism preparation process at Emmaus is for the baptism candidate to write out their personal testimony.

Below is the testimony of Carolina Gutierrez:

“Sometimes it’s not until you sit down and actually think about how far God’s sovereignty has brought you are able to just how unworthy you are and how great He is.

I was raised Catholic and my entire family is Catholic. I grew up going to a small church in San Jacinto. In High School I stopped attending and did not start to attend again until I was 19. As many other teens do, I found myself caught up in parties and completely lacked a passion for The Lord.

I came to Christ sometime around January 2011 but the work in my heart started October 2010. At the time I was still attending both my childhood Catholic perish and regularly attending a college aged Christian Bible study. I was also “church hoping” between Christian churches. I swiftly found myself identifying with my brothers and sisters in Christ at this Bible study and feeling completely overwhelmed with a sense of awe during worship to the degree that I would be brought to tears on different occasions. God began to move in my life, giving me a desire to know Him, to seek Him above all other things.

I am still challenged in who I am daily, but God’s faithfulness in every factor of my life is what I hold strong to. I always knew I wanted to teach but the Lord has placed in me a passion for His suffering children. He has given me a thirst to be uncomfortable in means of severing these children.

Aside from what He has done inside of me, He has blessed me abundantly with a diverse church family that is constantly challenging me and uplifting me. But above all these things that I have listed the greatest gift of all is God’s love and saving grace. I am constantly reminded of how imperfect I am and how mighty He is, and the yet in all my imperfection I am still His child and He is in control of it all.

The relationship I have with Christ is something I had longed for my entire life.  He has filled the emptiness that nothing else was able to fill. His sovereignty and His timing in bringing me to salvation is something I will forever stand in awe of.”

Posted in News, Baptism, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Wrapping up “Making Sense of the Bible” & Looking Forward to What’s Next

I really enjoyed our time together in the Making Sense of the Bible course! I hope that you finished with a deeper love and appreciation for God’s Word and ultimately a deeper love for God Himself.

Enjoy your five week break from Emmaus Essentials but please do not forget about the Biblical Counseling course starting on April 1st. You can view the details about the course at (including a link to purchase the book and a course overiew (which should be up in the next week or so)). You can sign up for the course on The City by clicking here and then clicking on the green “Ask permission to join…” link which is located at the bottom of the “About” paragraph.

Once you are in, please indicate which class you plan on attending (Sundays at 10am or Tuesdays at 5:30pm – to be held at the Church Office as long as space permits) by replying to the post in the Biblical Counseling group on The City.

Soli Deo Gloria,


Posted in News, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Emmaus Essentials – Biblical Counseling

I’d like to encourage you all to attend the next Emmaus Essentials course beginning on March 11th (Correction – we have decided to start this class on April 1st instead of March 11. We feel it would be better for the folks at Emmaus if they had more of a break between EE courses. The schedule on the website will be updated shortly). Russell Schmidt will be leading the class on Sundays at 10:00am and Joe Anady will be leading the class on Tuesdays at 5:30pm. The content of both classes will be similar as we go through Paul Tripp’s book, “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands” – It’s an amazing book that has the potential of bringing deep transformation both to your individual life and also to the life of the church. Russell has a real passion for this topic and I know that it will be enjoyable for you to sit under his teaching.

Please take a look at this course, and the entire Emmaus Essentials track, at

You can sign up for this course by clicking on the “Join Us” link below the picture of the book.

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

About the book: In many ways, the church today has more consumers than committed participants. We see church merely as an event we attend or an organization we belong to, rather than as a calling that shapes our entire life. Many of us would be relieved if God had place dour sanctification in the hands of trained professionals, but that simply is not the biblical model. God’s plan is that through the faithful ministry of every part, the whole body will grow to maturity in Christ. Tripp explains how his work follows an “all of my people, all of the time” model. If you followed the Lord for a thousand years, you would still need the ministry of the body of Christ as much as you did the day you first believed. This need will remain until our sanctification is complete in Glory. This is a comprehensive treatment of how God uses people as tools of change in the lives of others, people who themselves are in need of change.

About the Author: Paul Tripp is the president of Paul Tripp Ministries (, a nonprofit organization, whose mission statement is “Connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.” This mission leads Paul to weekly speaking engagements around the world. In addition to being a gifted communicator and sought after conference speaker with Paul Tripp Ministries, Paul is the Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas, and has taught at respected institutions worldwide. As an author, Paul has written many books on Christian Living that are read and distributed internationally. He has been married for many years to Luella and they have four grown children.


Posted in News, Posted by Joe. No Comments

New Gospel Community Groups Starting Soon!

I’m really excited to see this next wave of Gospel Community Groups launched here at Emmaus. We currently have four groups meeting weekly with another five ready to launch in a couple of weeks.

I wanted to thank Russell for all of his hard work in providing the training and oversight for these groups. Thank you also to the seven individuals who have worked hard over the past four or five months as they progressed through the GCG leaders training process. I say thank you, not as if you are doing it for me, but because I am so blessed to be apart of a church where this kind of thing is going on!

If you are not currently in a GCG, we highly encourage it. Hopefully you can find a time that works for you!

Please click here to see which groups are available.

Posted in News, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Emmaus Essentials – Making Sense of the Bible

Don’t forget to sign up for Emmaus Essentials – Making Sense of the Bible. Class starts Sunday, January 8th or Tuesday, January 10th. Sign up at and please indicate which class you plan to attend – Tuesday or Sunday.

Posted in News, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Three Things You Need to be Involved with at Emmaus

Check out this recent video which explains how to connect, grow, and serve at Emmaus CF.

Posted in News, Church Life, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church