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Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standard WSC #45 & 46

Doctrinal Standard #45 & 46

  • Q. What is the first commandment?
  • A. The first commandment is: You shall have no other gods before me.
  • Q. What does the first commandment require?
  • A. The first commandment requires us to know and recognize God as the only true God and our God, and to worship and glorify Him accordingly.

Memory Verses

  • “For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist” (1 Corinthians 8:5–6, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Luke 14:25-35
  • Support Passages: Deuteronomy 4:35,39; I Samuel 2:2; II Samuel 7:22; I Kings 3:12, 8:60; Acts 4:12
  • Bible Story: Judges6:25-32


  • “The first commandment is concerned with the object of true worship. The principal set forth in this commandment is this: It is true and living God (and none other) who is to be worshiped and served by men. Before we concern ourselves about the proper manner of worship (in the second commandment), or the proper attitude (in the third commandment), or even the proper time of worship (in the fourth commandment), we must first be certain that the object of our worship is the true and living God.
  • Here we see how contrary this commandment is to popular religious opinion. For nothing is more common than the idea that it doesn’t matter what particular religion one may have, or what denomination one belongs to, since it is taken for granted by most people that those different religions have the same object in view. The different religions, in other words, are commonly thought to be just different ways of knowing one and the same God. But the Bible does not agree with this. No, it says ‘though there be [those] that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) but to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we by him’ (1 Cor. 8:5-6). Since there are many ‘gods,’ and since only one God is the true and living God, it becomes extremely important to know and acknowledge the true God as God.
  • If God were only the creation of man’s imagination, then all ‘gods’ would be ‘created equal.’ One ‘god’ would have no higher claim than another. This is the exact truth with all the ‘gods’ that men have made. In ancient times men created “gods” for themselves. They made these ‘gods’ out of wood, stone, silver, gold, and so on. Today men create ‘gods’ for themselves having no material form. They imagine a ‘god’ who is without wrath, for example; a ‘god’ who does not punish sin. Now of course these ‘gods’ that men create in their minds have no real existence. They only seem real to those who ‘believe in them.’ Just as the idols in the Old Testament times were only wood or stone, so these ‘gods’ that men have created out of their own imagination today are nothing more than idols.” [1]

Discussion Questions

  • What is the first commandment of the Ten Commandments?
  • What are the types of “god” men put before the real God?
  • What does this first command require?
  • How can people who say they worship God really be worshiping an idol (refer to thoughts section)?
  • Why is it important to know as much as we can about God?


[1] Williamson, C.I. (2003). The Westminster Shorter Catechism – 2nd Edition. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA; P&R Publishing Company.

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This Weeks Youth Focus – 1/10

This Thursday (tonight), we will be examining creation. Wayne Grudem, in chapter 15 in his systematic theology book, poses the question: why, how, and when did God create the universe? We will be spending a few weeks answering these questions. Tonight, we will be watching and discussing the documentary, “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” to begin our study on this topic.

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“A Father’s Resolutions” – Part 2 of 2

Here is the second part of “A father’s Resolution” by Cotton Mather. Again you can read them here.

11. I wish that my children may as soon as may be, feel the principles of reason and honor working in them—and that I may carry on their education, very much upon those principles. Therefore, first, I will wholly avoid that harsh, fierce, crabbed usage of the children that would make them tremble and abhor to come into my presence. I will treat them so that they shall fear to offend me, and yet mightily love to see me, and be glad of my coming home if I have been abroad at any time. I will have it looked upon as a severe and awful punishment to be forbidden for awhile to come into my presence. I will raise in them an high opinion of their father’s love to them, and of his being better able to judge what is good for them than they are for themselves. I will bring them to believe ’tis best for them to be and do as I will have them. Hereupon I will continually magnify the matter to them, what a brave thing ’tis to know the things that are excellent; and more brave to do the things that are virtuous. I will have them to propose it as a reward of their well-doing at any time, I will now go to my father, and he will teach me something that I was never taught before. I will have them afraid of doing any base thing, from an horror of the baseness in it. My first response to finding a lesser fault in them shall be a surprise, a wonder, vehemently expressed before them, that ever they should be guilty of doing so foolishly; a vehement belief that they will never do the like again; a weeping resolution in them, that they will not. I will never dispense a blow, except it be for an atrocious crime or for a lesser fault obstinately persisted in; either for an enormity, or for an obstinacy. I will always proportion the chastisements to the miscarriages; neither smiting bitterly for a very small piece of childishness nor frowning only a little for some real wickedness. Nor shall my chastisement ever be dispensed in a passion and a fury; but I will first show them the command of God, by transgressing whereof they have displeased me. The slavish, raving, fighting way of discipline is too commonly used. I look upon it as a considerable article in the wrath and curse of God upon a miserable world.

12. As soon as we can, we’ll get up to yet higher principles. I will often tell the children what cause they have to love a glorious Christ, who has died for them. And how much He will be well-pleased with their well-doing. And what a noble thing ’tis to follow His example; which example I will describe unto them. I will often tell them that the eye of God is upon them; the great God knows all they do and hears all they speak. I will often tell them that there will be a time when they must appear before the Judgment-Seat of the holy Lord; and they must now do nothing that may then be a grief and shame unto them. I will set before them the delights of that Heaven that is prepared for pious children; and the torments of that Hell that is prepared of old for naughty ones. I will inform them of the good things the good angels do for little ones that have the fear of God and are afraid of sin. And how the devils tempt them to do ill things; how they hearken to the devils, and are like them, when they do such things; and what mischiefs the devils may get leave to do them in this world, and what a sad thing ’twill be, to be among the devils in the Place of Dragons. I will cry to God, that He will make them feel the power of these principles.

13. When the children are of a fit age for it, I will sometimes closet them; have them with me alone; talk with them about the state of their souls; their experiences, their proficiencies, their temptations; obtain their declared consent unto every jot nd tittle of the gospel; and then pray with them, and weep unto the Lord for His grace, to be bestowed upon them, and make them witnesses of the agony with which I am travailing to see the image of Christ formed in them. Certainly, they’ll never forget such actions!

14. I will be very watchful and cautious about the companions of my children. I will be very inquisitive what company they keep; if they are in hazard of being ensnared by any vicious company, I will earnestly pull them out of it, as brands out of the burning. I will find out, and procure, laudable companions for them.

15. As in catechizing the children, so in the repetition of the public sermons, I will use this method. I will put every truth into a question to be answered with Yes or No. By this method I hope to awaken their attention as well as enlighten their understanding. And thus I shall have an opportunity to ask, “Do you desire such or such a grace of God?” and the like. Yea, I may have opportunity to demand, and perhaps to obtain their early and frequent (and why not sincere?) consent unto the glorious gospel. The Spirit of Grace may fall upon them in this action; and they may be seized by Him, and held as His temples, through eternal ages.

16. When a Day of Humiliation arrives, I will make them know the meaning of the day. And after time given them to consider of it, I will order them to tell me what special afflictions they have met with, and what good they hope to get by those afflictions. On a Day of Thanksgiving, they shall also be made to know the intent of the Day. And after consideration, they shall tell me what mercies of God unto them they take special notice of, and what duties to God they confess and resolve under such obligations. Indeed, for something of this importance, to be pursued in my conversation with the children, I will not confine myself unto the solemn days, which may occur too seldom for it. Very particularly, on the birthdays of the children, I will take them aside, and mind them of the age which (by God’s grace) they are come unto; how thankful they should be for the mercies of God which they have hitherto lived upon; how fruitful they should be in all goodness, that so they may still enjoy their mercies. And I will inquire of them whether they have ever yet begun to mind the work which God sent them into the world upon; how far they understand the work; and what good strokes they have struck at it; and, how they design to spend the rest of their time, if God still continue them in the world.

17. When the children are in any trouble—if they be sick, or pained—I will take advantage there from, to set before them the evil of sin, which brings all our trouble; and how fearful a thing it will be to be cast among the damned, who are in ceaseless and endless trouble. I will set before them the benefit of an interest in a CHRIST, by which their trouble will be sanctified unto them, and they will be prepared for death, and for fullness of joy in a happy eternity after death.

18. Among all the points of education which I will endeavor for my children, I hope to see that each of them—the daughters as well as the sons—may gain insight into some skill that lies in the way of gain (however their own inclination may most carry them), so that they may be able to subsist themselves, and get something of a livelihood, in case the Providence of God should bring them into necessities. Why not they as well as Paul the Tent-Maker! The children of the best fashion, may have occasion to bless the parents that make such a provision for them! The Jews have a saying worth remembering: “Whoever doesn’t teach his son some trade or business, teaches him to be a thief.”

19. As soon as ever I can, I will make my children apprehensive of the main end for which they are to live; that so they may as soon as may be, begin to live; and their youth not be nothing but vanity. I will show them, that their main end must be, to, acknowledge the great God, and His glorious Christ; and bring others to acknowledge Him: and that they are never wise nor well, but when they are doing so. I will make them able to answer the grand question of why they live; and what is the end of the actions that fill their lives? I will teach them that their Creator and Redeemer is to be obeyed in everything, and everything is to be done in obedience to Him. I will teach them how even their diversions, and their ornaments, and the tasks of their education, must all be to fit them for the further service of Him to whom I have devoted them; and how in these also, His commandments must be the rule of all they do. I will sometimes therefore surprise them with an inquiry, “Child, what is this for? Give me a good account of why you do it?” How comfortably shall I see them walking in the light, if I may bring them wisely to answer this inquiry.

20. I will oblige the children to retire sometimes, and ponder on that question: “What shall I wish to have done, if I were now a-dying?”—and report unto me their own answer to the question; of which I will then take advantage, to inculcate the lessons of godliness upon them.

21. If I live to see the children marriageable, I will, before I consult with Heaven and earth for their best accommodation in the married state, endeavor the espousal of their souls unto their only Savior. I will as plainly, and as fully as I can, propose unto them the terms on which the glorious Redeemer would espouse them to Himself, in righteousness, judgment, and favor and mercies forever; and solicit their consent unto His proposals and overtures. Then would I go on, to do what may be expected from a tender parent for them, in their temporal circumstances.”

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“A Father’s Resolutions” – Part 1 of 2

While reading through, Parenting by God’s Promises, I came across “A Father’s Resolutions” by Cotton Mather and thought they were worth sharing and pondering.  There are twenty-one of them therefore I will post them in two parts. You can read them in their entirety by clicking “A Father’s Resolutions.”

1. At the birth of my children, I will resolve to do all I can that they may be the Lord’s. I will now actually give them up by faith to God; entreating that each child may be a child of God the Father, a subject of God the Son, a temple of God the Spirit—and be rescued from the condition of a child of wrath, and be possessed and employed by the Lord as an everlasting instrument of His glory.

2. As soon as my children are capable of minding my admonitions, I will often, often admonish them, saying, “Child, God has sent His son to die, to save sinners from death and hell. You must not sin against Him. You must every day cry to God that He would be your Father, your Savior, and your Leader. You must renounce the service of Satan, you must not follow the vanities of this world, and you must lead a life of serious religion.

3. Let me daily pray for my children with constancy, with fervency, with agony. Yea, by name let me mention each one of them every day before the Lord. I will importunately beg for all suitable blessings to be bestowed upon them: that God would give them grace, and give them glory, and withhold no good thing from them; that God would smile on their education, and give His good angels the charge over them, and keep them from evil, that it may not grieve them; that when their father and mother shall forsake them, the Lord may take them up. With importunity I will plead that promise on their behalf: “The Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit unto them that ask Him.” Oh! happy children, if by asking I may obtain the Holy Spirit for them!

4. I will early entertain the children with delightful stories out of the Bible. In the talk of the table, I will go through the Bible, when the olive-plants about my table are capable of being so watered. But I will always conclude the stories with some lessons of piety to be inferred from them.

5. I will single out some Scriptural sentences of the greatest importance; and some also that have special antidotes in them against the common errors and vices of children. They shall quickly get those golden sayings by heart, and be rewarded with silver or gold, or some good thing, when they do it. Such as,
• Psalm 11:10—”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
• Matthew 16:26—”What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
• 1 Timothy 1:15—”Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.”
• Matthew 6:6—”When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret.”
• Ephesians 4:25—”Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor.”
• Romans 12:17, 19—”Recompense to no man evil for evil . . .. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves.”

6. Jewish treatise tells us that among the Jews, when a child began to speak, the father was bound to teach him Deuteronomy 33:4—”Moses commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.” Oh! let me early make my children acquainted with the Law which our blessed Jesus has commanded us! ‘Tis the best inheritance I can give them.

7. I will cause my children to learn the Catechism. In catechizing them, I will break the answers into many lesser and proper questions; and by their answer to them, observe and quicken their understandings. I will bring every truth into some duty and practice, and expect them to confess it, and consent unto it, and resolve upon it. As we go on in our catechizing, they shall, when they are able, turn to the proofs and read them, and say to me what they prove and how. Then, I will take my times, to put nicer and harder questions to them; and improve the times of conversation with my family (which every man ordinarily has or may have) for conferences on matters of religion.

8. Restless will I be till I may be able to say of my children, “Behold, they pray!” I will therefore teach them to pray. But after they have learnt a form of prayer, I will press them to proceed unto points that are not in their form. I will charge them with all possible cogency to pray in secret; and often call upon them, “Child, I hope, you don’t forget my charge to you, about secret prayer: your crime is very great if you do!”

9. I will do what I can very early to beget a temper of kindness in my children, both toward one another and toward all other people. I will instruct them how ready they should be to share with others a part of what they have; and they shall see my encouragements when they discover a loving, a courteous, an helpful disposition. I will give them now and then a piece of money, so that with their own little hands they may dispense unto the poor. Yea, if anyone has hurt them, or vexed them, I will not only forbid them all revenge, but also oblige them to do a kindness as soon as may be to the vexatious person. All coarseness of language or carriage in them, I will discountenance.

10. I will be solicitous to have my children expert, not only at reading handsomely, but also at writing a fair hand. I will then assign them such books to read as I may judge most agreeable and profitable; obliging them to give me some account of what they read; but keep a strict eye upon them, that they don’t stumble on the Devil’s library, and poison themselves with foolish romances, or novels, or plays, or songs, or jests that are not convenient. I will set them also, to write out such things as may be of the greatest benefit unto them; and they shall have their blank books, neatly kept on purpose, to enter such passages as I advise them to. I will particularly require them now and then to write a prayer of their own composing, and bring it unto me; that so I may discern what sense they have of their own everlasting interests.

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No Youth This Week – 1/3

No youth this week due to Christmas break. See you Sunday!

Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standard WSC #43 & 44

Doctrinal Standard #43 & 44

  • Q. What introduces the Ten Commandments?
  • A. These words introduce the Ten Commandments: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
  • Q. What does the introduction to the Ten Commandments teach us?
  • A. The introduction to the Ten Commandments teaches us that, because God is Lord and is our God and redeemer, we must keep all His commandments.

Memory Verses

  • “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Exodus 20:2, ESV).
  • “You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities (Amos 3:2, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Amos 1-3
  • Support Passages: Isaiah 40:18-31, Malachi 3:6, I Samuel 8:10-22, II Chronicles 7:14
  • Bible Story: 1 Samuel 5


  • The introduction of the Ten Commandments reminds the Israelites and all believers that the Ten Commandments were given to God’s people after they were delivered from bondage in Egypt. Viewing this from a redemptive historical approach, this is rather significant. Prior to the giving of the Ten Commandments, God manifested his attributes and mission as redeemer in a real tangible way by miraculously freeing His people from Egypt. He reminds His people of this before giving them a Law that, in much the same way, will enslave people to sin requiring the redemptive work of God. Not in a physical sense, as in the land of Egypt, but rather in the spiritual realm requiring the blood and perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ.
  • Whenever talking about the Law of God, I find it important to clarify the various uses of the Law. God’s Law has a “pedagogical use (usus elenchticus sive paedagogicus), it shows people their sin and points them to mercy and grace outside of themselves” (Lems). It is this use that I’m referring to when I say that God’s law enslaves all mankind. God’s Law also has a “normative use (usus didacticus sive normativus). Which means this use of the law is for those who trust in Christ and have been saved through faith apart from works” (Lems) The law cannot save people because they are unable to keep it. But God’s law does direct the behaviors of those who are part of the family of God. The law is what helps guide believers in becoming holy as God is holy. The commands of the Lord are an essential part in the sanctification process of a believer. The law also has a “civil use (usus polititcus sive civilis). That is, the law serves the commonwealth or body politic as a force to restrain sin. This falls under the general revelation discussion in most of the scholastics as well as natural law (cf. Rom 1-2)” (Lems). [1]
  • God has prefaced His Ten Commandments to remind His people that He is LORD – control and sovereign over all and as redeemer to teach his people that they are completely dependent upon him for everything.

Discussion Questions

  • What major event (story) took place before the Ten Commandments were given.
  • Why did the Israelites need a redeemer from Egypt?
  • Why do we need a redeemer from the commands of God?
  • What are the three nouns used to describe God in doctrinal standard #34?
  • What does it mean that God is LORD? Because of this why should we obey Him?
  • What does it mean that God is God?  Because of this why should we obey Him?





[1] Lems, Shane. Three Uses of The Law,

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Catechism Insight – Review Doctrinal Standard WSC #36-42

Review Doctrinal Standards #36-42

WSC # 36

Q. What benefits in this life go with or come from justification, adoption, and sanctification?

A. The benefits that in this life go with or come from justification, adoption, and sanctification are: the assurance of God’s love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Spirit, and growing and persevering in grace to the end of our lives.

WSC #37

Q. What benefits do believers receive from Christ when they die?

A. When believers die, their souls are made perfectly holy and immediately pass into glory. Their bodies, which are still united to Christ, rest in the grace until the resurrection.

WSC #38

Q. What benefits do believers receive from Christ at the resurrection?

A. At the resurrection, believers, raised in glory, will be publicly recognized and declared not guilty on the day of judgment and will be made completely happy in the full enjoyment of God forever.

WSC #39

Q. What does God require of man?

A. God requires man to obey His revealed will.

WSC #40

Q.What rules did God first reveal for man to obey?

A. The rules He first revealed were the moral law.

WSC #41

Q. Where is the moral law summarized?

A. The moral law is summarized in the Ten Commandments.

WSC #42

Q. What is the essence of the Ten Commandments?

A. The essence of the Ten Commandments is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and to love everyone else as we love ourselves.

Memory Verses

  • “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:4–5, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-9


  • This should be a time of reflection, assessment, and re-teaching.
  • There are a couple of different ways to approach this review lesson. First, the review questions and answers could be made into a game that forces the students to remember what they have learned while assessing their understanding. Another idea is to quiz each student on each of the 7 questions making sure to encourage and celebrate their accomplishments. Last, it would be beneficial to review each of the question and answers drawing out their central truths and mentioning how they are connected.

Discussion Questions

  • Explains what justification, adoption, and sanctification mean in the life of a believer.
  • When does justification take place?
  • When does adoption take place?
  • When does sanctification take place?
  • What benefit does a believer have when he or she dies?
  • What two commands summarizes the Ten Commandments and all of scripture?
  • How has the catechism helped you grow in their faith and understanding?

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No Youth This Week – 12/27

Due to Christmas break we will be cancelling Youth this week.


"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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