Dec 16
SUNDAY > 2 Chr 19‐20, Rev 8, Zech 4, Ps 126‐128
MONDAY > 2 Chr 21, Rev 9, Zech 5, Ps 129‐131
TUESDAY > 2 Chr 22‐23, Rev 10, Zech 6, Ps 132‐134
WEDNESDAY > 2 Chr 24, Rev 11, Zech 7, Ps 135‐136
THURSDAY > 2 Chr 25, Rev 12, Zech 8, Ps 137‐138
FRIDAY > 2 Chr 26, Rev 13, Zech 9, Ps 139
SATURDAY > 2 Chr 27‐28, Rev 14, Zech 10, Ps 140‐141
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–18, ESV).
Baptist Catechism #45 & 46:
Q. What did God at first reveal to man for the rule of his obedience?
A. The rule which God at first revealed to man for his obedience, was the moral law.
Q. Where is the moral law summarily comprehended?
A. The moral law is summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments.