Missions Update – July 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun


Owen Paun recently attended a church planting learning community hosted by the Bible League of Bulgaria. In his blog post he says, “Some of the highlights were learning about ways that these communities are facing significant resistance from local churches and pastors, who the typical church planter is and the struggles they face, and also how different countries are reproducing some successes from other fields.” You can read the full blogpost as well as watch a video made by Owen describing his experience: http://mydailytestimony.com/balkan-church-planting-learning-community/

Also, if you’d like to “take a walk through the neighborhood” of the Paun family, Owen has put together some pictures that you can view on his website: http://mydailytestimony.com/a-walk-through-our-neighborhood-in-sofia-bulgaria/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

A recent update from Heart Cry highlights a church planter and evangelist, Nathanael Armisen, who pastors a newly planted Evangelical-Reformed Baptist Church in Wetzlar, Germany. To read the full testimony of Nathanael, as well as read updates from missionaries and ministers from around the world, please visit the Heart Cry website: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/mission-updates

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church