Pursuing Unity Within Christ’s Church

Episode 16

In John 17, Christ prayed for unity amongst his followers. We too should pray for unity and work hard to establish, or reestablish it, whenever possible. It should be noted that Jesus prayed for unity of a particular kind in John 17. This is indicated by the words “just as” or “even as” in John 17:20 and following. Superficial unity is not the goal, but rather deep and substantial unity. That is what we should be working towards! It might be a good idea to listen to the sermon that Pastor Joe recently preached on this passage. If can be found at emmauscf.org/sermons/john/ (It is sermon #65 in the series preached on 02/21/2016). This podcast seeks to build upon that sermon by providing practical insights for pursuing and maintaining unity within Christ’s church. These principles can actually be applied in any setting where unity is needed (marriage, family, etc.).


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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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