Missions Update – March 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

This missionary family recently was moved from their ministry in Russia due to difficult visa laws, relocating them to Sofia, Bulgaria. After spending some time studying the spiritual situation in Sofia, the Pauns recently decided to start a home fellowship weekly to reach out to people who have stepped away from the church. Many of these families in Sofia became Christians directly after the fall of communism, but over time left the church. To read more about their home fellowship please visit their website: http://mydailytestimony.com/bulgarian-bible-study-and-book-translation/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

One of the recent posts on the Heart Cry website highlights a pastors’ conference held in the Middle East. The conference included all missionaries from that country supported by Heart Cry. The goal of the conference was to encourage the pastors and to teach on topics of Biblical theology. To read more about what’s taking place in the Middle East as well as many other areas of the world please visit the Heart Cry website: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/middle-east-blog/post/salam-church-m-east-pastors-conference


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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church