Nov 15
SUNDAY > 2 Kgs 25, Heb 7, Amos 1, Ps 80
MONDAY > 1 Chr 1‐2, Heb 8, Amos 2, Ps 81‐82
TUESDAY > 1 Chr 3‐4, Heb 9, Amos 3, Ps 83‐84
WEDNESDAY > 1 Chr 5‐6, Heb 10, Amos 4, Ps 85
THURSDAY > 1 Chr 7‐8, Heb 11, Amos 5, Ps 86
FRIDAY > 1 Chr 9‐10, Heb 12, Amos 6, Ps 87‐88
SATURDAY > 1 Chr 11‐12, Heb 13, Amos 7, Ps 89
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens” (Psalm 8:1, ESV).
Baptist Catechism #108:
Q. What do we pray for in the first petition?
A. In the first petition, which is “Hallowed be thy name,” we pray that God would enable us and others to glorify Him in all that whereby He makes Himself known, and that He would dispose all things to His own glory.