Lesson 31: The Church: The Life of the Church


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 25: The Church: The Life of the Church (Pages 307-322)

Questions for Discussion

1. What do you understand by ‘the means of grace’? Show from Scripture the role they play in the growth of the people of God.

2. ‘The church cannot rise higher than its expository preaching.’ Discuss.

3. Examine the benefits and the problems associated with (a) personal Bible study, (b) group Bible study.

4. What is a ‘sacrament’? Clarify the biblical basis for the view that there are two, and only two, sacraments.

5. What place should be found at the Lord’s Supper for (a) the Word of God, (b) the fellowship of the whole congregation, (c) the recollection of Christ’s suffering at Calvary, (d) the assurance of forgiveness to the penitent believer, (e) the expectation of the return of Christ in glory?

6. What can be learned about baptism from (a) the OT, (b) Jesus?

7. What are the main biblical arguments used in support of the baptism of infants? Do you find them persuasive? Explore the possibilities of genuine fellowship and cooperation among those who differ on this issue.

8. In what ways are (a) fellowship, (b) suffering, ‘means of grace’? Illustrate their value from (a) biblical teaching and biography, (b) your own experience, (c) the experience of other Christians known to you.

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 323). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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