Lesson 1: Know the Truth: Forward, Preface, and Introduction


Read Know the Truth: Forward, Preface, and Introduction (Pages 7-17)

Questions for Discussion

1. What is doctrine? What is theology?

2. Have you encountered this “anti-doctrine spirit” that Milne refers to?

3. How would you respond to Milne’s claim that “every Christian is a theologian?”

4. Can you give examples from your own experience that support the claim that “getting doctrine right is the key to getting everything else right”?

5. Why is it that “doctrine itself is not enough” in the Christian life?

6. Look up Matthew 22:37 and discuss the meaning of that text. Have you loved the Lord with all of your mind, as Jesus has commanded?

7. Elaborate upon the statement, “doctrine is vital because it is impossible finally to separate Christ from the truths which Scripture reveals concerning him”. What does the author mean by this?

8. Are you convinced that the study of Christian doctrine (or theology) is worth the time and effort?

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ Catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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