Why do we do what we do with children and youth ministry?

Hello Emmaus,

I don’t do this very often, but I would highly recommend (almost beg) that you take the time to listen to a recent episode on the White Horse Inn Podcast, entitled Youth Ministry in Crisis. There are also two other more recent episodes that would be worth listening to (The State of Youth Ministry and Keeping our Kids), but I would ask that you at least take the time to listen to the first one I mentioned.

Why do I want you to listen to this? So that you can better understand why it is that we are doing what we are doing with our children, youth, and parents! We are odd in our approach to children’s and youth ministry, there’s no doubt about that. Understanding why we are taking this approach will go along way in strengthening our commitment to having our children in the worship service, catechizing our children, and engaging our children in deep and meaningful conversations about the scriptures and spiritual things.

I look forward to hearing feedback from you!



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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