A Classic on the Doctrine of Salvation

Publisher’s Synopsis: “Murray systematically explains the two sides of redemption: its accomplishment by Christ and its application to the life of the redeemed. In Part I he considers the necessity, nature, perfection, and extent of the atonement. In Part II Murray offers careful expositions of the scriptural teaching about calling, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification.”

Nerd Factor: Medium

Emmaus Staff Comments: I (Joe) have recommended two other books on the Doctrine of Salvation in the past – and I would still recommend them. But I would be amiss if I failed to recommend John Murray’s classic, “Redemption Accomplished and Applied.” I would say that the reading level of this book is a bit higher than the others, but it is certainly worth the investment.

The book is broken in to two parts, as the title suggests. The first section examines the work of Christ and his accomplishment of redemption. The question under consideration is, what did Christ accomplish at his coming – through his life, death and resurrection? The second section of the book examines the application of redemption. The question here is, how is the work that Christ accomplished applied to individuals as they live in human history?

John Murray’s writing style is clear. The categories that he presents are immensely helpful when seeking to understand this often misunderstood doctrine. I do hope that you put this book on your wish list, and that you are strengthened by it in the not to distant future.

Purchase Options: Amazon, Monergism Books

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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