Everyone Look! Emmaus Essentials Lectures and Notes for All!

Hello Church,

While I would certainly love it if everyone could attend Emmaus Essentials, I do understand that it is difficult to carve that time out, especially if you have a bunch of little ones at home. Lindsay and I definitely feel the pressure in that regard. I’m sure some of you experience other difficulties that keep you away, and by no means do I want to minimize those, but the “little kids in the home” issue is the one thing that I identify with at this time.Side note: Brings your kids to Essentials if they are old enough. Our family is almost to that point. I do doubt Damon’s ability to sit through an hour long class, though. 

The point I am making is this: If you are not able to make it to the Essentials class for whatever reason, would you consider keeping up by reading and/or listening to the class lectures on your own? Unlike Gospel Community Groups, which certainly require personal participation, something can be gleaned from Emmaus Essentials even if you are not in class.

Please explore the links below and decide how you would like to engage. There are a number of ways to go about it – reading, listening to Grudem, listening to Emmaus class audio, going over the notes, or any combination of these things. Doing something is better than nothing!

I plan on posting links to The City every Monday, updating the notes and the class audio, so that you can stay on top of things. I really do believe that study like this is essential for your continued growth in Christ. Please participate!

If you need help with the technological side of things, don’t hesitate to ask.

Class Overview

Week 1 Notes

Week 1 Audio

Link to Emmaus Essentials iTunes Podcast

Link to Wayne Grudem’s iTunes Podcast



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church