This Weeks Youth Focus – 12/20

This Thursday, we are going to be spending more time than usual discussing the Gospel Community Group question posted for 12/16/2012.  Our discussion will primarily be centered on the biblical relationship between God and evil.

  1. How can we comfort one another, including ourselves, in the midst of the tragic elementary school shooting in Connecticut? Any Scripture passages come to mind?
  2. How can we be a light to a dark nation during this dark time. Give realistic and practical examples.
  3.  Assume you are out in the public and are able to start up a conversation with a non believer. Assuming you are concerned for their salvation, how would you respond if the individual says to you “I have always been open to the idea of a God, but I just can’t allow myself to follow a God that would allow such a horrible tragedy”?
  4.  What is the biblical relationship between God and evil?
  5. Do you trust that God will completely “work all things for good” (Rom 8:28) or does your heart struggle with this truth? Share.

As always, I looked forward to these great meetings with the young people of Emmaus!


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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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