Enjoying the Catechism

It was a joy to have a conversation with my wife and kids tonight over dinner concerning the Emmaus Doctrinal Standard #3. And lest you get the wrong idea that the Anady’s always enjoy family devotional bliss – I assure you, we do not. With four little ones there is always something interesting going on. Tonight Damon was going from plate to plate steeling everyone else’s noodles while we were talking. The kid loves rice and noodles like you wouldn’t believe!

But even with the craziness of real life pressing in we did manage carry on with some meaningful conversation concerning the question, “What does the Bible primarily teach?” The answer is that, “The Bible primarily teaches what man should believe about God and what God requires of man.” It’s such a blessing as a father to have a template for systematically teaching my children the truths of the Bible. These questions cause us to talk about a number of different topics as we dive into the scriptures, looking at the support for these doctrinal truths. These are sweet times that I will always remember!

Parents, I encourage you to engage your children in Christ centered conversation with regularity. Teach them to savor Jesus. Instill in them a passion for God’s word and for sound doctrine. Above all, show them what it looks like to find great pleasure in the things of God. When the family devotions don’t go as planned, smile at your spouse and try it again. Show your children the grace and mercy that we have experienced in Jesus while at the same time teaching them diligently. Easier said than done right? How about I pray for you as you pray for me in this.

Just Thinking,


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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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