Report from the Desiring God National Conference – Finish the Mission

Thank you for praying for the four of us who ventured out to Minneapolis this past weekend to attend the Desiring God National Conference which focused on finishing the mission of global evangalization.

The only thing that I can say at this time is that this was a pivotal moment for Emmaus Christian Fellowship. So many things that have been on my heart, things that  for 10 years have been developing within me were confirmed and honed at this conference. It was a blessing to share this experience with three other men. I believe that the impact of this conference will be much greater due to the fact that four hearts and minds were influenced instead of just one.

Please pray for the leadership of Emmaus over the next three months that God would give us clarity of mind and oneness of heart concerning the mission of Emmaus Christian Fellowship. There are truly exciting and challenging times ahead of us; let’s be sure that we are on our knees praying that God would be glorified amongst us, in this valley, and to the ends of the earth.

Some of the teaching from the conference will be available later this week on our “Resources” page under the “video” section if you care to listen in.





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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church