The Significance of a Church BBQ

Of all of the encouraging things that have happened at Emmaus over the past 3 months I must say I was most encouraged by the time of fellowship we experienced at the BBQ last night. To see so many people truly enjoying one another’s company, engaging in deep conversation, and just plain having fun together blessed my heart in such a deep way. Lindsay and I stayed up till almost midnight last night rejoicing together. There was something about the event last night that seemed to appropriately celebrate all of the amazing happenings and hard work of this past summer.

Here are a few observations that led us to rejoice:

One, we heard a number of people say, “it just feels like family!” And we would agree with that assessment.

Two, our congregation is diverse in age. It was awesome to see the swimming pool filled with 20 some odd kids, more kids in the jumper, high school students on the grass talking with college students, 20, 30, 40, and 50 something’s playing wiffle ball and being competitive as all get out, and then to look and see that we are blessed with a number of more mature members; this is a huge blessing for Emmaus. From what I have heard, most new church starts lack this diversity. Let’s build on this and make sure that we love one another and minister to one another cross generationally.

Three, it seems that people in our church already know how to serve. Everyone pitched in when work needed to be done.

Four, Gabe Gomes cooks a mean tri-trip and that will not quickly be forgotten.

Thank you to those who went above and beyond to make this event happen.



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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